Second quarter!!

We have been so busy creating in the art room.

In Kindergarten, we are learning about the element of value. We talked about contrasting colors (say it in a very deep dramatic voice): black and white. We painted a cute picture using only white paint on black paper. We then added details using a black sharpie. We also got to experiment with charcoal. So messy and so fun. We are currently painting hues, tints and shades. We will be creating value ice cream cones. The fun is in mixing the paint to the right shade.

In First grade, we are learning about the element of texture. Students got to explore the art room and find different textures. We then drew a feather and tried to make it look soft and feathery. We talked about the artist Albrecht Durer and his piece The Hare. We then drew the cutest bunnies you have ever seen and gave them furry texture using small lines and different colors of pencils. Next week we will start our sea habitats and create a textured landscape.

In Second grade, we are learning about the element of value. We started out creating contrasting art work using paper. We experimented with charcoal. We learned a little about ancient Roman architecture and reproduced a Corinthian column. We finished it using only black markers and a little water. They are stunning! Our next project will be to paint a still life of pumpkins using value.

After Thanksgiving break, we will be doing our nutcrackers.  I will send out more information when the time comes as we will have an opportunity for nutcracker show and tells.

Thanks for sharing your babies with me.


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